Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

Photo courses

Week of Life is a documentary photography project that is open not only to a wide range of amateur, semiprofessional, and even professional photographers, but also to people who have a camera in hand for the first time ever! Not everyone is blessed with talent and not everyone has had an opportunity to become familiar with the medium called photography before entering our internet space. While carefully observing the photographic development of our typical member, we have been noticing for some time that the project as such compels one to improve his or her photographic abilities. This is why we feel obliged to continue to care for the newcoming co-authors of our neverending library of humanity, who, other than contributing to the photo archive of this world, also set the goal to improve themselves and enrich their lives with something as magical as photography. Therefore, welcome to a Week of Life Photo University, which proposes a clear goal: to bring up new masters of this documentary genre - new Week of Life masters.


First Level
Second Level
 2 kurzy 1 kurz 2 kurzy

 poslední přidaný kurz:
 Fotografování skupin
Fotografování skupin

Latest Comments

Milada Bursíková 21.01.2025 - 22:06:12

Pepo, naprosto souhlasim a dekuji ti. Stale doufam, ze uz prijdou lepsi zitrky...alespon jaro kdyby uz bylo...vice ...

Zuzana Hana 21.01.2025 - 20:53:35

Nádherný radostný víkend. Oddelenie hriechu by som premenovala na oddelenie pokušenia :)

Zuzana Hana 21.01.2025 - 20:50:32

Užasný rodinný portrét v piatok a tie bločky!

Zuzana Hana 21.01.2025 - 20:48:21

Krásne a je to na tetu roku.

Šárka Lisníková 21.01.2025 - 18:55:31

..Ten Roman...😉😁

Josef Písek 21.01.2025 - 18:48:20

Hezký nový rok...Po/6 - taková prázdná a velká plocha, to je přímo výzva...:-)

Josef Písek 21.01.2025 - 18:31:27

Jak se tak motáme pořád dokola na jednom místě, tak máme oba nedostatek námětů na zajímavé fotky...a tak nás to nut...

Šárka Lisníková 21.01.2025 - 16:16:21

Ty jsi teta s velkým "T"!!! Leni, jsi supermanka a kluci Tě musí zbožňovat❤️❤️❤️

Zdeněk Kamrla 21.01.2025 - 12:47:05

Super ... jako Marián ...

Marian Gavlák 21.01.2025 - 06:28:24

Teda, ty jsi teta ideál!