Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 19th week - 11. 5. 2015

7. 5.Thursday


8. 5.Friday


9. 5.Saturday


10. 5.Sunday


11. 5.Monday


12. 5.Tuesday


13. 5.Wednesday

1) The woman from spanish organization already added me to skype contact so now I am waiting will she call me. She called me and liked me a lot. She would like me to come for graphic design, webdesign, marketing stuffs but she must say it to the boss and he will decide if they need right now someone with my profile... 2) Going to city center... 3) And I got a bit lost from one bus station... 4) So I must go through Stodolní street :D... 5) Having lunch in the best baguetterie... 6) Beautiful weather... 7) For this I was going to the city center. Finally I have polarizing filter... 8) And sitting on the reception of solarium instead of Zdenička... 9) Calling with Sergito for good night...

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5/21/2015 1:40:28 PM
Moc pěkné a jaká kočka na každé fotce jsi ;-)
5/20/2015 1:54:18 PM
špecle mňááám a neboj, nevyšla stáž teď, vyjde brzy! :)
5/20/2015 10:55:19 AM
Pěkný...samé jídlo, krásné ženy a hokej ... :-p
5/20/2015 10:13:50 AM
Zase barevna parada:)..skoda, ze jsi neprijela na sraz, dostala bys pochvalu od redakce:))

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 19th week - 11. 5. 2015