Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

next dayright arrow 76th week - 9. 6. 2016
Share week

9. 6.Thursday


10. 6.Friday


11. 6.Saturday


12. 6.Sunday


13. 6.Monday


14. 6.Tuesday


15. 6.Wednesday

Wednesday's bachelor party continues on Thursday and we really enjoyed it!... On Thursday I better took day off and in the afternoon buying stuffs for wedding gift - it was my idea for a box full of sweets and on the top sugars and there will be also text on charred paper but tomorrow...

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6/28/2016 9:43:27 PM
Sarko, ano a planuji, ze sa za Vama pak nekdy stavim, az budeme met vse poresene a poklizene a nebude tolik prace, a taky Edovi dat nake podtacky. :)
6/22/2016 8:08:33 PM
Muciq už je O.K.Hurá, límec už je pryč:-)A Bělský les?? To budeme sousedky:-))

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next dayright arrow 76th week - 9. 6. 2016