Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 106th week - 9. 1. 2017

5. 1.Thursday


6. 1.Friday


7. 1.Saturday


8. 1.Sunday


9. 1.Monday


10. 1.Tuesday


11. 1.Wednesday

Today morning control in ORL doctor. I won't finally go for a surgery with nasal septum. Whenever I can choose and decide the time to go and I have a time till 40 years old. With the nose drops I'm living better than without them and the doctor told me that I can use the drops whole life because allergic people uses it as well. So she wrote me three packages and I can come when I finish them for others and the next control is in summer. :) Then going to home and working Monday starts... Today I have got from Akord a poster for my vernissage of exhibition of 365 days which will happen 13.2. in Akord in Small Gallery so who is from around, just come. :) In the evening I created an event on facebook and created my own banner so I hope that someone will come :D

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1/20/2017 5:48:30 PM
Zase super....
1/18/2017 8:57:46 PM
Roman, budu se těšit. I když doteď nevím, co tam budu říkat. :D Marti, "pajda" je skvělá. :D
1/17/2017 4:26:01 PM
Mario je super hra! :D a Doller tě, koukám, také začal bavit! :)) Škoda, že je ta vernisáž tak daleko :) A je to teda pozitivní zpráva, že nemusíš na operaci! :)) Měj se krásně a už se těším na WoL s pajdou:))
1/17/2017 10:13:29 AM
13.2. si značím do kalendáře :-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 106th week - 9. 1. 2017