Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day 106th week - 11. 1. 2017

5. 1.Thursday


6. 1.Friday


7. 1.Saturday


8. 1.Sunday


9. 1.Monday


10. 1.Tuesday


11. 1.Wednesday

Since Monday crazy cold weather. In the morning -17 degrees so immediately after coming to work I'm turning on the auxiliary heater... Mucinqa surprises me at home because she is coming to the kitchen where she doesn't go often and is lying next to the bin. :D In Billa they had a Strongbow for 9,90,- czk incredible :D... I'm trying external hard disk which I got for a Christmas from Libča and it's working so back up photos. :) Finally we got our photo from Fabric from New Year's Eve... And for a good night new Armin chill song...

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1/20/2017 5:48:30 PM
Zase super....
1/18/2017 8:57:46 PM
Roman, budu se těšit. I když doteď nevím, co tam budu říkat. :D Marti, "pajda" je skvělá. :D
1/17/2017 4:26:01 PM
Mario je super hra! :D a Doller tě, koukám, také začal bavit! :)) Škoda, že je ta vernisáž tak daleko :) A je to teda pozitivní zpráva, že nemusíš na operaci! :)) Měj se krásně a už se těším na WoL s pajdou:))
1/17/2017 10:13:29 AM
13.2. si značím do kalendáře :-)

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left arrowprevious day 106th week - 11. 1. 2017