Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 107th week - 16. 1. 2017

12. 1.Thursday


13. 1.Friday


14. 1.Saturday


15. 1.Sunday


16. 1.Monday


17. 1.Tuesday


18. 1.Wednesday

I want to come back to Greece to have a proper croissant bursting with chocolate! After work some shopping, having delicious cabbage soup from grandma and calling with Martina Š. who describes me incredibly comical adventures from a post office when she was sending me camera lens. :D :D Goulash from grandma to have a good creativity for Paul's logo! :))

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1/25/2017 11:03:21 PM
...aha, takt test...začínám chápat ty tvoje šklebáčky...:-)
1/25/2017 6:04:49 AM
Super barevnej tyden...a rychly objektiv pomalou postou... ;)
1/24/2017 2:35:34 PM
V hlavní roli kočičóna :) S 3 monitory je ta workflow uplně jinde,že? :D Fajn week

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 107th week - 16. 1. 2017