Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 115th week - 11. 3. 2017

9. 3.Thursday


10. 3.Friday


11. 3.Saturday


12. 3.Sunday


13. 3.Monday


14. 3.Tuesday


15. 3.Wednesday

Yesterday Svatava also brought me this home made chocolate cheese roulade with banana, yummy... Then I'm leaving to Olomouc where Aleš picks me up and we are going to their home. Preparing stuffs for lunch and then picking up his mom at the hospital after surgery with meniscus... After lunch starting to work and working whole day... In the evening back to Ostrava, Mc Donald for a dinner, Mucinqa got a new toy from Zdenička - special bag for cats :D And Mucinqa loves it :D...

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3/22/2017 10:25:02 PM
Bezva...vidím Tě...furt se něco děje...:-)
3/22/2017 8:55:35 AM
Na LiR deme též. :D
3/21/2017 3:11:30 PM
Skoda toho termínu..ale aspon budou usi pripraveny na LiR v trojhali. Hezký
3/19/2017 11:34:24 PM
Svijany za dvacet? Tak to se asi stavím :D tady je za takovou cenu nikde nenajdeš... vypadá to jako docela akční týden, super! :)
3/18/2017 7:20:30 PM
Čičinka je zaručeně březí, proto je jak kulička, Romi:-)Zdravím Tě, pěkný týden a známá místa:-) Ahoj, Š.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 115th week - 11. 3. 2017