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left arrowprevious day Summer in 2015 - 20. 8. 2015
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14. 8.Петък


15. 8.Събота


16. 8.Неделя


17. 8.Понеделник


18. 8.Вторник


19. 8.Сряда


20. 8.Четвъртък

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I don't like the area where I live, but I feel well home is cozy after I return home now.

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9/4/2015 2:07:03 PM
Dekuji za komentar, Lenka a Premysl. Yes, I am using a Dalesicke pivo glass from Zdenek in Slup! I can see Czech things a lot in my home. :-) Lenka, Tokyo is interesting but there are too many people though. It's my dear city.
9/3/2015 12:03:09 PM
Hehe Dalesicke pivo (on Thu 6th photo). Good week ;)
9/3/2015 8:13:50 AM
I like this week. Tokyo must be very very interesting. I like also the last day at home. It so peasful.

left arrowprevious day Summer in 2015 - 20. 8. 2015