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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Week 2 - 28. 5. 2017
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25. 5.Четвъртък


26. 5.Петък


27. 5.Събота


28. 5.Неделя


29. 5.Понеделник


30. 5.Вторник


31. 5.Сряда

Set of this user includes day descriptions in a different language than the language of the website you are using at the moment.
Did I mention I like avocados? || Daily dose of this heaven || Round two of deep cleaning the sofa bed || English Bay time, so hot outside! || Went to Catfe finally! || Yaay new summery pillows from HomeSense || This is what I need. Awake. Yes. || Summer house hold items are ou. || Me time. This stuff is great.||

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6/26/2017 7:49:59 PM
I welcome you, beauty ... interesting week ... and please let me know you better ...
6/6/2017 11:11:06 PM
Really nice, Elena. You have amazing photos and as you can see you know what to share with us. And you were afraid that you have nothing to share because you just go to work and home! :D Liaaar! :)))

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