Животът на планетата Земя през очите на обитателите й

left arrowprevious day Desátý - 4. 5. 2019
Share week

28. 4.Неделя


29. 4.Понеделник


30. 4.Вторник


1. 5.Сряда


2. 5.Четвъртък


3. 5.Петък


4. 5.Събота

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Before arriving in Prague, we went to Svata Hora and Kozel brewery. Svata Hora was just amazing!! And we visited to Kozel getting some souvenirs. The event of the local fire department was hold, and it was nice and cute for me. We returned the car and went to meet Veronika for telling na shledanou. We had 10 times visit to Czech, but we would like to come back here again. Ahoj, Czech Republic!

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6/2/2019 2:14:08 PM
Great! Congratulation! Nice to see the famous faces :-)
5/25/2019 9:54:48 AM
Beautiful week... :-D
5/25/2019 9:41:31 AM
Thank you so much for your comments and seeing my week. Now Tetsuya is very embarrassed to see the front page now. :-))
5/25/2019 7:24:33 AM
Great! :)
5/24/2019 1:17:47 PM
Congratulations to the editor`s choice, Junko. Your weeks are enrichment for the Week of Life project.
5/24/2019 10:33:57 AM
Ahoj, Junko! :)
5/23/2019 9:10:28 AM
Hello Junko. This is a beautiful week! I am so happy You go back to our country. Thank You for this nice memories. Ahoj!

left arrowprevious day Desátý - 4. 5. 2019