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next dayright arrow autumn week - 25. 9. 2009
Share week

25. 9.Петък


26. 9.Събота


27. 9.Неделя


28. 9.Понеделник


29. 9.Вторник


30. 9.Сряда


1. 10.Четвъртък

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I woke up at Martina's house and had breakfast with her and Marta, her housemate. Then I went to my studio, near the Auditorium, and I spent my arfternoon there working. In the evening I went to my apartment for a quick dinner and shower and then went back to Martina's house.

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5/4/2024 1:05:05 PM
Beautiful, interesting week, with sun, and super colours. I love it.
6/25/2014 8:32:12 AM
Interesting week! :-)
1/22/2010 6:29:17 PM
True photos from Roma and very nice pictures of true life!
1/19/2010 10:44:42 PM
Exciting and vibrant photos ...!!! PEtr
10/9/2009 5:39:44 PM
love your photos... beautiful colors tones1

next dayright arrow autumn week - 25. 9. 2009