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left arrowprevious day 2 - 4. 11. 2009
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29. 10.Четвъртък


30. 10.Петък


31. 10.Събота


1. 11.Неделя


2. 11.Понеделник


3. 11.Вторник


4. 11.Сряда

Set of this user includes day descriptions in a different language than the language of the website you are using at the moment.
Today is my great grandpa's death anniversary, so all relatives gathered, lighted incense and joined the banquet. My great grandpa was a successful building contractor for French people, as a result, we inherited a big French - style house with antique household implements, e.g an antique altar with engraved shuck. We had some delicious guavas form the South. My friend had his bike repainted in black and red and it's so off the hook! - Quotes and books I'm reading, which are so adorable

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7/6/2011 8:22:05 PM
Foto se mi líbí. Ráda bych viděla více z této země.
9/26/2010 11:13:34 PM
I enjoyed your weekend :-) Thanks for sharing a piece of your life.
2/2/2010 11:29:18 PM
great photos!
1/9/2010 10:18:18 PM
Nice to see another country. Thx for photos.
11/5/2009 4:03:49 PM
Dear Hoang Thao, I would like to expres my thanks to you for your first Vietnam set on our website. We would appriciate if you could spread the IDEA of this project among people in your country. Thank you very much Adolf Zika (founder Of Week Of LIfe)

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left arrowprevious day 2 - 4. 11. 2009