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left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow a week in tropics - 24. 11. 2009

19. 11.Четвъртък


20. 11.Петък


21. 11.Събота


22. 11.Неделя


23. 11.Понеделник


24. 11.Вторник


25. 11.Сряда

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I went to see the client and took some photos on my way: Samoan church and local homeless person, sitting near Central Bank buikding. Then I did some vegetable shopping and drove my son in the pram to his grandparents' house, where he met our Cookie-the-cat.

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6/15/2024 1:02:07 PM
Senzační a skvělé...škoda, že to nemá pokračování...
9/7/2010 11:06:24 AM
Интересный уголок мира...)...удачных снимков
2/10/2010 7:25:52 AM
1/19/2010 10:51:48 PM
Exciting and vibrant photos ...!!! PEtr
11/29/2009 3:31:49 PM
Hello, I am very excited about this set! At this very moment the whole idea behind this project begins to be fulfilled. At the beginning I hardly imagined that I would see life in such remote places of the planet as SAMOA! Thank you very much and I’m looking forward to seeing even more people from this beautiful island. Adolf Zika(founder of WOL)
11/28/2009 6:10:41 PM
beautiful week! thank you

left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow a week in tropics - 24. 11. 2009