Set tohoto uživatele obsahuje popis dne v jiném jazyce, než je jazyk stránky, kterou teď používáš.
1.Delicious pastry at Pasticceria Cucchi (Corso Genova, 1, 20123 Milano). 2. Milan Cathedral ‘Duomo’– largest Gothic Cathedral in the world, 1000 spires, over 200+ marble statues, the enormous time span, which it took for the cathedral to be built (1386-1965) originated a phrase “la fabrica del duomo” to describe anything, which is taking an ‘eternity to finish’. 3. Fun atop of Duomo. 4. A wonderful mosaic floor & the feet of the busy shoppers in Galleria Vittorio Emmanuel II. 5. Pinacoteca di Brera (Via Brera, 28) houses some world-known masterpieces by Titian, Veronese, Caravaggio & Co. 6. At an antiquities shop, which sells pop/kitsch/retro items of all kinds, specializing mainly in signboards. 7. Me & the retro scales: those are so cool, they can actually help one lose weight! ;-) 8. At Kusmi Tea (Via Fiori Chiari 24) 9. Chili-chocolate flavored ice-cream @ Shockolat (Via Giovanni Boccaccio, 9).