Život na planetě Zemi očima jejích obyvatel

následující denright arrow A happy new year - 28. 12. 2014
Sdílet týden

28. 12.Neděle


29. 12.Pondělí


30. 12.Úterý


31. 12.Středa


1. 1.Čtvrtek


2. 1.Pátek


3. 1.Sobota

Set tohoto uživatele obsahuje popis dne v jiném jazyce, než je jazyk stránky, kterou teď používáš.
I've spent the New Year's vacation in Hokkaido, the north of Japan. Hokkaido is one of my favorite places in Japan.

Musíš být přihlášen, abys mohl přidat komentář.

Přihlášení Registrace

1/21/2015 12:24:45 AM
Dobry den, Martina, Jana, Jan and Zdenek. There are a lot of snow in Hokkaido, but no snow in my town though... I like a snow scene in nature, but I like also snow with Czech houses and buildings! It's beautiful... I'd like to visit the Czech Republic in winter again!
1/19/2015 11:27:28 PM
Very nice ... and a happy new year ...
1/19/2015 4:04:18 PM
Great week. Happy new year :)
1/19/2015 2:57:56 PM
How much snow!!!Nice week, happy new year :)
1/19/2015 1:51:37 PM
Hi, Junko, Happy New Year! You had really quite enough snow in Hokkaido :) Here is no snow in Prague :( It must have been perfect holidays...
1/18/2015 3:17:08 PM
Thanks for your comment,Lenka! I like traveling in Hokkaido. Hokkaido is getting popular for tourists from many counties.
1/15/2015 4:28:54 PM
Nice week, Junko. I like the pictures on snow and ice. The winter in Japan is definitely beautifull. Happy new year! :-)

následující denright arrow A happy new year - 28. 12. 2014