Život na planetě Zemi očima jejích obyvatel

left arrowpředchozí den následující denright arrow travel in winter - 31. 12. 2015
Sdílet týden

27. 12.Neděle


28. 12.Pondělí


29. 12.Úterý


30. 12.Středa


31. 12.Čtvrtek


1. 1.Pátek


2. 1.Sobota

Set tohoto uživatele obsahuje popis dne v jiném jazyce, než je jazyk stránky, kterou teď používáš.
I returned to Tallinn in Estonia. I founded the tap of Czech pivo in a bar. There were not many people in the center of the city even it was 31st December. We felt it was still before the Christmas day.

Musíš být přihlášen, abys mohl přidat komentář.

Přihlášení Registrace

3/27/2016 10:10:18 PM
Hehe, funny room with books. :)) Wednesday's 3rd photo, amazing moment! :)) Interesting travelling!
3/25/2016 2:18:34 PM
Hello, Dorota. Thanks for your massage. You are from Poland, aren't you? I'm looking forward to see your week. : )
3/24/2016 11:02:46 PM
That's nice! :)
3/22/2016 1:23:23 PM
Thank you for visiting this week, Lenka and Josef. Traveling to those countries were very peaceful, so I relaxed and felt happy there. I think those countries are similar to your country. I remembered the Czech Republic several times there.
3/22/2016 11:01:18 AM
Very nice and interesting
3/20/2016 8:53:39 PM
Pretty week from Baltic countries. Very nice feeling from this week. I hope I will sometimes visit these countries too. I like the 8th photo from Wednesday.

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bar cestování Tallinn

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left arrowpředchozí dennásledující denright arrow travel in winter - 31. 12. 2015