Život na planetě Zemi očima jejích obyvatel

left arrowpředchozí den následující denright arrow temple fair & mess life - 26. 2. 2010

25. 2.Čtvrtek


26. 2.Pátek


27. 2.Sobota


28. 2.Neděle


1. 3.Pondělí


2. 3.Úterý


3. 3.Středa

Set tohoto uživatele obsahuje popis dne v jiném jazyce, než je jazyk stránky, kterou teď používáš.
ppl send the wish light to sky,they watch them fly high with their wish...it is about good future,healty,love...

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Přihlášení Registrace

7/19/2010 7:00:01 AM
Realy beauty photos! Amaizing! I am Russian, but i like take photos of all what i see, too. Sometimes.
3/26/2010 4:52:10 PM
3/13/2010 3:53:48 AM
hi! thank u all for left comments here,im gonna check out u guys pic later too,but i wanna say i am a chinese but in the same time,i am only myself,no second in the world,Lubomír Budný it seems hard u can from my pic into chinese mentality ,second,i am not taking what i see,i am taking what im interested n what make me moved,all is my life,and some of them means a lot to me.
3/12/2010 8:08:36 PM
Chinese take photos of all what they see. It isn't typical week of life but it's nice window into the chinese mentality.
3/12/2010 7:39:49 PM
Not a week under the rules of WoL, but I really like a lot of photos.
3/12/2010 9:21:15 AM
I like Sunday, especially the 3rd one and the 5th one.

left arrowpředchozí dennásledující denright arrow temple fair & mess life - 26. 2. 2010