Život na planetě Zemi očima jejích obyvatel

left arrowpředchozí den následující denright arrow Winter in Nagano - 31. 12. 2013
Sdílet týden

29. 12.Neděle


30. 12.Pondělí


31. 12.Úterý


1. 1.Středa


2. 1.Čtvrtek


3. 1.Pátek


4. 1.Sobota

Set tohoto uživatele obsahuje popis dne v jiném jazyce, než je jazyk stránky, kterou teď používáš.
Although it was snowing a lot around the inn, there was no snow in the other place in Nagano. The custom of eating buckwheat noodles is custom on New year's eve, so my father made it. We ate them at lunch, but usually you eat just before New Year's Day.

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1/15/2014 4:52:06 PM
Winter in Nagano is a nice addition to the project. What a start to the year 2014!
1/15/2014 12:59:41 PM
Very nice pictures!!! I saw document about the monkeys in hot spring, it was very interesting.
1/15/2014 11:50:46 AM
I like most of your pictures Monday nr 4 and Friday nr 8 and 9 :)
1/15/2014 11:35:59 AM
Thank you for visiting my new week, Lenka, Zdenek and Dalibor! I like Sunday's cats so much, too. They seemed so relaxing. After for a while, more cats came there. Maybe there was their meeting place.
1/15/2014 10:40:50 AM
Sunday cats are funny :-). I wouldn't say that it will be more snow in your country than here in Slovakia, but it is a reality this year, so I can at least see snow in your nice week :-)
1/15/2014 9:21:34 AM
Perfect Week!!!
1/13/2014 9:46:05 AM
Cats in Sunday :-) There is a warm winter in the Czech republic, sakura trees are blooming in České Budějovice. The winter in Nagano is beautiful. Good week!

left arrowpředchozí dennásledující denright arrow Winter in Nagano - 31. 12. 2013