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Očekávaná návštěva je tu! Klariss, pár let jsem ji neviděla. Jo, to je ta, s kterou si občas pošlu pohled nebo dopis s dárečkem :)... Přijela se svým nastávajícím Davidem, v dubnu sa berou!... Přivezla mi nějaké dárečky, ale mňa nejvíc dojal ten jeden vzkaz s prosbou, jestli budu její svědkyně na svatbě!!! Wow, to jsem fakt nečekala, i slzička mi ukápla... Jasněže jo! Sice nevím, jak tak na dálku budu připravovat svatbu a plánovat Klariss rozlučku se svobodou, ale to ňák zmáknu :D... Večer jsme je vzali na Stodolní a pak do Fabricu, kde sa jim nelíbilo bo tam hráli drumy :D...
The expected visit is here! Klariss, I didn't see here for a couple of years. Yeah that's her with whom I occasionally send a postcard or letter with gifts :)... She came with her future husband David, they will marry in April!... She brought me some gifts but one of them completely touched me most, it's the one with the message asking if I will be her witness at the wedding!!! Wow, I really didn't expect this, even tears dripped down... Hell yes, I will! Although I don't know how I will manage to prepare wedding and plan the Bachelor Party for Klariss but I will manage it somehow :D... In the night we took them to Stodolní and then to Fabric but they didn't like it because d'n'b played there :D...