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Armin je prostě Bůh trance muziky. "Raise your hands, close your eyes and feel!"... Až jsme sa probudili, jeli jsme opět strávit den v centru. Pobavili jsme sa s labutěma, navštívili suvenýr shopy, viděli nejvíc kol pohromadě, poseděli v coffee shopu a večer jsme si s Alešem dali koncert Armina znovu, a to v televizi, bo měl dnešní noc live stream přímo z koncertu! :D
Armin je simply the God of trance music. "Raisy your hands, close your eyes and feel!"... When we woke up, we went to spend the day in the city center again. We enjoyed with swans, visited souvenir shops, saw most of the bicycles together, we sat in the coffee shop and in the evening we had a party with Aleš by watching a concert of Armin again in television because he had this night live stream from the concert! :D