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Dnes na home office, takže hudba na plné kule. :D Po práci odjezd do Prahy na véču do indické restaurace s tetou Gabčou a jejím přítelem. A pak poprvé navštívit nejmodernější klub Epic. Jdeme na Bena Nickyho, dáreček k Aldovým narozkám! Noc rozehrává Thomas Coastline s Luigi di Mare za D3LIGHT a rozehráli so suprově! Pak následuje Nifra, která taktéž nezklamala!
Today at the home office, so music is loud. :D After work leaving to Prague for a dinner to the Indian restaurant with Gabča and her boyfriend. And then for the first time to visit the most modern club Epic. We're going to Ben Nicky, also a gift to Alda's B-Day! The night starts with Thomas Coastline with Luigi di Mare as D3LIGHT and they started amazingly! Then follows Nifra, who also didn't disappoint!