Das Leben auf Planeten Erde durch die Augen ihrer Bewohner

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Groove Cruise / Gehry Building New World Symphony - 26. 1. 2011

21. 1.Freitag


22. 1.Samstag


23. 1.Sonntag


24. 1.Montag


25. 1.Dienstag


26. 1.Mittwoch


27. 1.Donnerstag

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Opening Week continues for the new Frank Gehry building and park for the New World Symphony, America's orchestral academy. View from the rooftop of the building over the park, with the most famous miami beach hotels (delano, national, ritz) and the ocean.

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2/8/2011 9:52:49 PM
Nice weekend ..... envy :-))))
2/8/2011 1:17:36 PM
good :-)
2/7/2011 9:07:18 PM
2/7/2011 2:45:45 PM
Good week Tomas. Keep them coming :)
2/7/2011 9:37:42 AM
You like places where are many people, dont you? :-)) The panorama pictures are great! Especially the leader in Tuesday.
2/7/2011 8:55:19 AM
Very interesting week.
2/6/2011 6:44:54 PM
woow, it's greaaat and amazing week. So much people on one place :) thanks for the "trip" to Florida :)
2/6/2011 6:14:10 PM
Amazing shots
2/6/2011 1:55:25 PM
Great :-)
2/6/2011 12:55:03 PM
Seems like one huge mega-giga partyyy:)...amazing life-style;)
2/6/2011 12:45:40 PM
Amazing and fabulous life! That is Tomas Loewy - what else :-)
2/6/2011 11:48:22 AM
Sexy, sexy, sexy week. Like it! It had to be great experience. :-) Thank you for your set. :-) Luboš

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Groove Cruise / Gehry Building New World Symphony - 26. 1. 2011