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Long day, which I started with sweet breakfast. In the morning I worked and the weather was so sunny, but also I have to pack. I guess I will miss my old college! We went shopping with Lenka and we stopped for a coffee - it took so long Mils had to wait for me (he came here to help me with my luggage). I brought some beers and later we watched Brno's fireworks all together from my window.
Dlhý deň, do ktorého ma nakopli sladké raňajky. Doobeda som stále pracovala a počasie vonku lákalo, ale musela som sa začať baliť. Možnože mi aj život na týchto kolejích bude chýbať! Vyrazili sme s Lenkou do obchodov a na kávu a boli sme tak dlho, až na mňa Mils, ktorý ma prišiel odsťahovať, musel čakať. Doniesla som však pivo a večer všetci prišli ku nám a sledovali sme Brnenské ohňostroje.