Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

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Right from the beginning of Week of Life, we see that almost every other set that appears on WoL has one thing in common and that is a photo from a car. Maybe it tells more about our life than we are willing to admit. In a recent poll of an English social magazine, a car was selected as the greatest invention of all time. It even did beat phenomena like electricity, TV or telephone. We can’t imagine our life without cars and since the moment it was invented, our life is a journey even more than ever before in our history. Since that moment, a philosophical term Journey got another meaning. That is why we present you fifty most interesting views from all around the world, where you spend a small part of your life in a toy called car and you are on the Journey.

Petr Kleiner, Manager, Czech Republic

Robert Thiele, Photographer, Germany

mila Štáfek, Worker, Czech Republic

František Ortmann, Photographer, Czech Republic

Miroslav Sanytrák, Consultant, Czech Republic

Ján František Kassay, Landlord of the pub, Slovakia

František Šíma, Graphic, Czech Republic

Stanislava Kopáčková, Model, Czech Republic

Antonín Blažek, Student, Czech Republic

Daniel Kaifer, Photographer, Czech Republic

František Zíka, Skateboarder, Czech Republic

katka palovova, Social worker, Slovakia

Roman Dolecek, Unemployed, Czech Republic

Adolf Zika, Photographer, Czech Republic

Helena Horáčková, Design engineer, Czech Republic

Michael Agel, Photographer, Germany

Jan Watzek, Student, Czech Republic

Pepa Středa, Photographer, Czech Republic

Přemek Divácký, Technician, Czech Republic

Marcel Fujcik, Photographer, Czech Republic

Jiří Křenek , Photographer, Czech Republic

Zdeněk Dvořák, Special education needs teacher, Czech Republic

Paul Greg, Guide, Nový Zéland

Eva Staňková, Curator, Czech Republic

Ivana Gantnerová, Architect, Czech Republic

Patrik Joo, Circus director, Czech Republic

Pasi Heiskanen, Web designer, Finsko

Petr Schel, Sculptor, Czech Republic

Milan Martinek,Tteacher, Czech Republic

Nadya Domashneva, Designer, Samoa

Stanislava Tomášková, Physiotherapist, Czech Republic

Vladimir Yurkovic, Graphic, Slovakia

Andrew Matusik, Photographer, Alabama

David Papánek, Office worker, Czech Republic

Jiří Heller, Photographer, Czech Republic

Jiří Šebek, Web designer, Czech Republic

Martina Kaderková, Foundation director, Czech Republic

Roman Pastierik, Computer programmer, Slovakia

Jiří Pergl, Enterpreneur, Czech Republic

Jaroslav Bohm, Enterpreneur, Czech Republic

Karel Rabenhaupt, Policeman, Czech Republic

Martin Kantner, Student, Czech Republic

Luboš Karásek, Computer programmer, Czech Republic

Petr Kubečka, Manager, Czech Republic

Ferdinand Martin Miyawa, Physician, Keňa

Tomas Peroutka, Design engineer, Czech Republic

Věra Kurcová, Businessperson, Czech Republic

lamik, Freelance artist, Slovakia

Il Em, None, Slovakia

Alex Galmenau, Photographer, Rumunsko

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