Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 1. - 9. 1. 2015
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5. 1.Monday


6. 1.Tuesday


7. 1.Wednesday


8. 1.Thursday


9. 1.Friday


10. 1.Saturday


11. 1.Sunday

Anni did some hamburgers... not alone however :) The evening was play time and that game was pretty exciting, you take one color block (dice show color) somewhere and move it up, trying that you not fall the tower.

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1/17/2015 12:58:55 AM
Really nice calm week :)
1/16/2015 11:40:45 PM
It's all so familiar and similar to life in the Czech ... including the weather ... a small world ... and it's a good place to live ... and this is a great week ...
1/16/2015 7:08:39 PM
Good week, I like it, you have a pretty daughter and nice cat (-:
1/16/2015 9:31:21 AM
Very good!
1/11/2015 11:06:03 PM
Very nice week. I'm looking forward to next WoL. :)

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