Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Off to Norway I - 5. 7. 2015
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4. 7.Saturday


5. 7.Sunday


6. 7.Monday


7. 7.Tuesday


8. 7.Wednesday


9. 7.Thursday


10. 7.Friday

The following day we drove north again towards northernmost end of the road. We reached the place late in the afternoon and later enjoyed the magnificent show. Su1: our unwelcome companions, Su2: tough final 12 swedish miles (120 km), Su3: Thank you, it's nice to be here at last! :-), Su4: shared starter before the main reward, Su5: evening trailer, Su6: first last row, Su7: tomorrow's goal, Su8: Many sleepers, Su9: The midniht show

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9/8/2015 8:53:31 PM
Thanks! Diky! I wish it was possible to capture how it really looked like :-) Enorm powah! :-)
9/1/2015 9:05:06 PM
Norway powa! view from tent is fabulous
8/31/2015 3:58:35 PM
Úžasné! Kochám se :)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Off to Norway I - 5. 7. 2015