Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day 33th week - 19. 8. 2015

13. 8.Thursday


14. 8.Friday


15. 8.Saturday


16. 8.Sunday


17. 8.Monday


18. 8.Tuesday


19. 8.Wednesday

They say, what you dream the first night in a new living, it will happen. I have dreamed something but I don't remember what :D... Working working and Zdenička made a surprise for late breakfast! :)... Afternoon spent again by shopping and as you can see we have new table and chairs in the kitchen - Honza brought from home... And my room has got new table for laptop and little table for the bed which is amazing because you can put there breakfast and put it into the bed :)))...

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8/25/2015 3:15:01 PM
Tož, ať se Ti dobře bydlí a hlavně, ať dobře dopadne vrtání :) výtahovkám goodbye ;)

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left arrowprevious day 33th week - 19. 8. 2015