Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 35th week - 1. 9. 2015

27. 8.Thursday


28. 8.Friday


29. 8.Saturday


30. 8.Sunday


31. 8.Monday


1. 9.Tuesday


2. 9.Wednesday

I don't know why both of them closed their eyes and the same moment :D... Morning ice cream.... And morning dessert with a bit of aluminium :D... Bad really bad combination. I was sick after that for the whole day so I couldn't have to go to the office to work there... Trying to help my stomach by Coca-Cola and home office today... Out table in the kitchen is growing!... Lunch but not for me because I still feel sick... But in the evening finally eating again...

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9/9/2015 7:17:27 PM
Pá4/5 to se bude těžko opravovat. Ne7 to je ale doba, co jsem tam byl. Na žaludek je potřeba originál Coca-Colu, protože obsahuje kyselinu fosforečnou. Pěkné to tady máš.
9/9/2015 4:27:03 PM
:) paráda, tož se těším na výsledek!
9/9/2015 3:39:35 PM
Jooo bude, do konca října asi určo :)
9/9/2015 1:42:48 PM
Pěkný týden:)
9/9/2015 9:40:18 AM
Takže bude kérka, bude? :)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 35th week - 1. 9. 2015