Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 47th week - 20. 11. 2015

19. 11.Thursday


20. 11.Friday


21. 11.Saturday


22. 11.Sunday


23. 11.Monday


24. 11.Tuesday


25. 11.Wednesday

It's Friday and KARMA IS BITCH :D. Really good t-shirt Libča bought... Today has Honza celebration of this B-Day so we are preparing everything, helping to Honza then coming back to home to pack presents - one of them you can see the bottle of Slivovice and with notes that he can drink a shot only if - for example: washed dishes, cleaned bathroom, was nice with us, cooked, etc. :D... Honza got really so many interesting presents :))

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12/8/2015 4:30:17 PM
Postav dům, zasaď strom, zploď dítě (i když tady spíše syna, ale to je diskriminace, na to bych dala bacha, to by mohlo narazit). Dobrou muciquovi...
12/8/2015 3:51:07 PM
S tou kočkou je to fakt sranda, hlavně jak si hraje s bankovkama :-)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 47th week - 20. 11. 2015