Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 104th week - 24. 12. 2016

22. 12.Thursday


23. 12.Friday


24. 12.Saturday


25. 12.Sunday


26. 12.Monday


27. 12.Tuesday


28. 12.Wednesday

Christmas are here and Mucinqa has christmas outfit and wishes to all Merry Christmas :D... Grandma at 11 am still in the bed, Paul as well because he drank a lot last night so he is sick :D Grandpa is watching fairy tales and I'm listening christmas songs :D Traditional Christmas in our family :D :D... Well, then followed preparations and christmas dinner is here with carp and potato salad, yummy... Wuhůůů, I have a Doller too already! :) Mucinqa also got some presents and we are overeating...

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1/4/2017 5:18:42 PM
...v budoucnu červenobílá kuchyně je hezké...tak ať se daří...:-)
1/4/2017 3:08:40 PM
Slintám jako Pavlovovi psi... :-)
1/4/2017 11:53:50 AM
Týden plných stolů :-) ...

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 104th week - 24. 12. 2016