Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 104th week - 26. 12. 2016

22. 12.Thursday


23. 12.Friday


24. 12.Saturday


25. 12.Sunday


26. 12.Monday


27. 12.Tuesday


28. 12.Wednesday

Today again visits, we are going to Lomnice for grandma and grandpa. Grandma cooked the best Hungarian "langoš" I have ever ate! Buááá, I must learn that! :) Then going for a dad to Rýžoviště and then together going for a meeting in mom and dad of Libča. A lot of food, drinks, amazing Christmas this year. :) Vojta gave me for a Christmas amazing batman duck and Anežka made me a duck from ceramics, she is so handy. :) At home we are unpacking our next together gift and it is amazing pan. Finally good pan so no oil everywhere. :D As you can see, we have teached everyone to give us everything in red white or black color :D Once we will have a red white kitchen!

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1/4/2017 5:18:42 PM
...v budoucnu červenobílá kuchyně je hezké...tak ať se daří...:-)
1/4/2017 3:08:40 PM
Slintám jako Pavlovovi psi... :-)
1/4/2017 11:53:50 AM
Týden plných stolů :-) ...

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 104th week - 26. 12. 2016