Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 104th week - 27. 12. 2016

22. 12.Thursday


23. 12.Friday


24. 12.Saturday


25. 12.Sunday


26. 12.Monday


27. 12.Tuesday


28. 12.Wednesday

We are trying retro coffee grinder and it works! :D We also try to make toasts and we have a super breakfast. I can only recommend his LOTUS cream because it's totaly amazing! You probably know LOTUS biscuits... Today we supposed to have a Christmas with Zdenička and Honza but they both are already 2nd day sick. Zdenička got antibiotics and Honza has 40° fever. And they were not supposed to manage gifts for everyone with each other so they have just some of them. But we have all of them so we are going to visit them and give it to them. I did some sandwiches too. In January they will come to our home to give us presents :D Zdenička already gave me one small stuff, this amazing socks. :)

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1/4/2017 5:18:42 PM
...v budoucnu červenobílá kuchyně je hezké...tak ať se daří...:-)
1/4/2017 3:08:40 PM
Slintám jako Pavlovovi psi... :-)
1/4/2017 11:53:50 AM
Týden plných stolů :-) ...

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 104th week - 27. 12. 2016