Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 107th week - 15. 1. 2017

12. 1.Thursday


13. 1.Friday


14. 1.Saturday


15. 1.Sunday


16. 1.Monday


17. 1.Tuesday


18. 1.Wednesday

The strudel when we ate yesterday was hot from the oven and it was sooo amazing, what a pity it's not the same now. :D Going to shop because Zdenička and Honza will come to bring us belated Christmas presents. :D Zdenička prepared falafel to tortilla so we enjoyed it... Finally I have the book of Harry Potter! Just to find a time because I have got one more book and together we got another book with another pig :D... The duck is a washcloth, amazing! And I have got amazing parfume and body cream from Maruška but next time I will show, little space here for a lot of photos. :D

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1/25/2017 11:03:21 PM
...aha, takt test...začínám chápat ty tvoje šklebáčky...:-)
1/25/2017 6:04:49 AM
Super barevnej tyden...a rychly objektiv pomalou postou... ;)
1/24/2017 2:35:34 PM
V hlavní roli kočičóna :) S 3 monitory je ta workflow uplně jinde,že? :D Fajn week

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 107th week - 15. 1. 2017