Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 113th week - 24. 2. 2017

23. 2.Thursday


24. 2.Friday


25. 2.Saturday


26. 2.Sunday


27. 2.Monday


28. 2.Tuesday


1. 3.Wednesday

On Friday was so warm and beautiful sky whole day so I had to focus on that! :) For the first time in my life I ate maracuja and TOP! Probably one of the best fruits I have ever ate! Buááá, yummy :)... Normally you are just walking and walking and you get a bouquet of roses... Have you ever had a bread in this way? And quickly get him to the oven. :))

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3/7/2017 3:47:00 PM
...blázen s foťákem?...ale to musí být, jinak se nic nového nenarodí...však to dobře víš, tvoje foto-tvorba je toho důkazem...
3/5/2017 10:35:44 PM

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 113th week - 24. 2. 2017