Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day 114th week - 8. 3. 2017

2. 3.Thursday


3. 3.Friday


4. 3.Saturday


5. 3.Sunday


6. 3.Monday


7. 3.Tuesday


8. 3.Wednesday

Breakfast is the base of the day and life is like camera. Focus on what's important and you will capture it perfectly :)... So yes I have noticed it's International Women's Day because some people wished me but what was waiting for me after work when I came in front of my home, really surprised me... A car of flower delivery and a surprise for me from Aleš. And he had to order it in a distance from Olomouc. That boy is probably trying a chance :D :)... I'm really pleased of course and thank you!

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3/14/2017 4:11:32 PM
Jasněže mám přečtené všecky díly, Marťo. Nebo aspoň myslím :D Už je to delší doba.
3/14/2017 10:05:02 AM
fakt pěkný týden, Romčo! :))) a s Harrym to mám vždy úplně stejně :) člověka to strašně moc pohltí... četla jsi všechny díly?:) pokud ne - MUSÍŠ!!! :D měj se krásně ♥
3/11/2017 3:44:52 PM
Číča je úžasná! Jinak skvělý týden a Yes Chips taky miluju <3

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left arrowprevious day 114th week - 8. 3. 2017