Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 116th week - 21. 3. 2017

16. 3.Thursday


17. 3.Friday


18. 3.Saturday


19. 3.Sunday


20. 3.Monday


21. 3.Tuesday


22. 3.Wednesday

Having a breakfast on the train station and continuing by train to Kroměříž where I'm going to Tax Office wit the tax return and then going to Chropyně... Having a coffee and starting to work... After work solving my grandma's problem with her iPad because iMessages doesn't work. I'm solving that really a long time and it still doesn't work, even not working after my call with some american guy from apple... I'm installing her Viber for communication... Then eating a lot for my journey back to Ostrava where Mucka welcomes me. And yeah, my grandma is so amazing that she collected me in Chropyně the whole collection of ducks from Teta! :D

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3/29/2017 10:33:50 PM
Finančák v Kroměříži? Tak tam jsme se minuly o den :D To by mě nenapadlo, že tam máš "základnu" taky :)
3/28/2017 7:58:31 PM
Je to legrační, měl bych koukat po té černovlasé krasavici, ale já miluju obrázky Mucinky, je boží!
3/28/2017 11:28:04 AM
Hezký jako vždy. Na YesChipsech je, koukám, závislost :D
3/27/2017 3:13:04 PM
Mňam, ty lívance a nebo dýňový krém! Myslim, že si vzájemně budeme dělat chutě jídlem :D A ty dešťový fotky se ti moc povedly :))
3/25/2017 11:52:15 AM

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 116th week - 21. 3. 2017