Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 144th week - 29. 9. 2017

28. 9.Thursday


29. 9.Friday


30. 9.Saturday


1. 10.Sunday


2. 10.Monday


3. 10.Tuesday


4. 10.Wednesday

Today we have the day off and I have to go to X-ray of my feet for costomized ortopedic pads... Then we go to Avion for a great lunch and then a massage is waiting for me and I enjoyed it... In the evening we go to Karolina where we found the new tasty Chizza from KFC, yummy! And then to cinema for horror movie "IT" which was great but it's a remake of 1990.

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10/31/2017 12:43:43 PM
Evi, doháním, ale stále jsem ve skluzu, achjo... :D Jani, já jííím ráááda! :D
10/30/2017 1:54:01 PM
to je jídla :-D ale moc fajn fotky
10/30/2017 10:07:00 AM
ahoj Romi! :) moc fajn tyden, vidim, ze ty tez dohanis fotoresty, kdy to jen jde:) a pouceni pro me k Tvym tydnum - chodit se divat vzdy najezena :)) a stredecni 1 mi pripomnela, ze presne tyto hrnky s ruznymi ovocnymi motivy ma babi :) a jako mali jsme se s bratranky dohadovali, kdo bude mit jaky.. :) zdravim! E.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 144th week - 29. 9. 2017