Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow 148th week - 27. 10. 2017

26. 10.Thursday


27. 10.Friday


28. 10.Saturday


29. 10.Sunday


30. 10.Monday


31. 10.Tuesday


1. 11.Wednesday

That feeling when you wake up late and everything falls down from your hands. The old man is badly looking at you in the tram. In the bakery 10 people in front of you. You finally arrive to the office and while eating, yogurt drops on your pants. You go to the bathroom and no water flow. After a while you clean your pants, come back to work and spill a coffee...:D :D And knowing this is your last day in Ostrava and in this office :D... In the evening last packing and tomorrow bye bye.

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12/4/2017 3:17:48 PM
Tak hodně štěstí v nové životní etapě! :)

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow 148th week - 27. 10. 2017