Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Travelling in Europe around Christmast time - 1. 12. 2010

27. 11.Saturday


28. 11.Sunday


29. 11.Monday


30. 11.Tuesday


1. 12.Wednesday


2. 12.Thursday


3. 12.Friday

My third and final day, my luggage arrived. Christmas was saved. We decided to go right into the heart of gran canaria. To the mountains. Rock Nueblo was majestetic. We had fantastic views and nice time together. It was time to say goodbye. The worst thing about leaving is the missing. My plane was waiting.

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8/16/2015 4:39:05 PM
nice :)
9/29/2012 10:01:34 PM
Very nice pictures
12/23/2010 9:19:50 AM
mistake in grammer..../I have read/
12/23/2010 9:10:21 AM
hi...Still I have red your writting about and I hope you will buy a new camera and you will be continue in this project...happy New year MiraD
12/23/2010 8:41:13 AM
Very nice ;) Good job..
12/22/2010 4:58:49 PM
Thank you for your contribution to the project! Welcome!
12/22/2010 3:25:50 PM
Welcome to WoL:o) Very nice trip.
12/22/2010 9:17:17 AM
ok...nice spending chrismas time

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Travelling in Europe around Christmast time - 1. 12. 2010