Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Arriving to UK - 10. 10. 2010
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5. 10.Tuesday


6. 10.Wednesday


7. 10.Thursday


8. 10.Friday


9. 10.Saturday


10. 10.Sunday


11. 10.Monday

Jack is chilling in the morning. Loads of teas is required to get us moving after last night. In the morning we went to look at some houses (we would like to move out Exeter) and in the afternoon it was a play time again. Little shopping, beautiful sunset, and some computer time. Jack is trying to eat his dinner but there is to much happening around to concentrate on food.

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2/14/2011 10:10:14 PM
Poklus i večerní pohoda, psíci :-)
2/14/2011 10:05:34 PM
vcelku akční ne? :-)
2/14/2011 10:40:40 AM
Za přehrání týdnů moc děkujeme, přijít o Belize by byla opravdu škoda, jak píše pan Dvořák:o)
2/14/2011 9:20:24 AM
Je dobře, že se rozdělily té týdny na Belize a UK. Belize by bylo velká škoda! Příjemná vzpomínka na více jak tři měsíce starý week!

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Arriving to UK - 10. 10. 2010