Life on Earth through the eyes of its inhabitans

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow Konec prokrastinace / The end of procrastination - 10. 9. 2020

7. 9.Monday


8. 9.Tuesday


9. 9.Wednesday


10. 9.Thursday


11. 9.Friday


12. 9.Saturday


13. 9.Sunday

Proper breakfast full of fruit. :) Then I finally try out the Šumava from Costa Rica. The Czech and Costa Rican collaboration worked pretty well, the coffee is delicious. Im helping to peel and cut the pears for chutney. Later zucchini bomb so a day full of conserves. Škubánky for lunch and then out for a walk. Maybe the last flower for this year so I need to really enjoy it. In the afternoon I’m working on the photos from last week and because I’m feeling a lot better I stop the procrastination and go for a run. Nothing big, one kilometre, better carefully at the beginning, even like this I almost dropped dead. The guys left for veteran rally so we’re having ladies night with my mum and a bit of vine.

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left arrowprevious daynext dayright arrow Konec prokrastinace / The end of procrastination - 10. 9. 2020