Set of this user includes day descriptions in a different language than the language of the website you are using at the moment.
1) Volám si pracovně s fotografem z Brazílie. Znám ho z instagramu, sleduje mě a já ho též, má fakt pěkné fotky. Nicméně se dozvídám, že cvaká jen tak... 2) Zase jedeme do Karoliny... 3) A čekáme na schůzku... 4) Obědváme v GUTY... 5) Nemůžu si odpustit selfíčko ve výtahu, protože jen málokdy jedete výtahem sami :D... 6) Hledáme trafiku... 7) A máme pracovní schůzku v kavárně... 8) Dovezla jsem si něco z domu, tak to likviduju :D... 9) Miluju tenhle jablkový džus...
1) I am calling about work with a photographer from Brazil. I know him from instagram, he follows me and me too, he has really nice photos. However, I learn that it's only his hobby nothing more... 2) We are going to Karolina again... 3) And we are waiting for a meeting... 4) Having a lunch in GUTY... 5) And I cannot forget selfie in the elevator because it doesn't happen often that you are alone there :D... 6) Looking for newsagent... 7) And we have a working meeting in the cafeteria... 8) I brought something from home so I must finish it finally :D... 9) I love this apple juice...