La vida en el planeta Tierra vista por sus habitantes

left arrowprevious day Off to Norway I - 10. 7. 2015
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4. 7.Sábado


5. 7.Domingo


6. 7.Lunes


7. 7.Martes


8. 7.Miércoles


9. 7.Jueves


10. 7.Viernes

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Easy day they said... Got lost, found the remainings of the trail and left Tromsø region. Fr1: sunset/dawn fuzz, Fr2: between two neighbourhoods, Fr3: end of tarmac, Fr4: unexpected summiting, Fr5: Was I contagious (Th8)? Fr6: Sea to Summit, Fr7: chow for hungry beast, Fr8: fish chips, Fr9: flatbed&hastydinner. As you might have noticed we have not traveled back home yet. To be continued...

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9/8/2015 8:53:31 PM
Thanks! Diky! I wish it was possible to capture how it really looked like :-) Enorm powah! :-)
9/1/2015 9:05:06 PM
Norway powa! view from tent is fabulous
8/31/2015 3:58:35 PM
Úžasné! Kochám se :)

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left arrowprevious day Off to Norway I - 10. 7. 2015