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Honey from local farm for breakfast.....surfers..morning coffee...spring is coming and I got spring flowers.........quick dinner.....yeeeh, finally my Spyder (calibrator) tea because is's freezing at home...I read one trick with camera and foils but I don't think its good idea....winter is really hard sometimes, Rob is finishing my website.////////////////////////
Med z mistni farmy na snidani....surfari...kava po ranu....jaro prichazi a ja jsem dostala jarni kyticku, Jupi!....rychla vecere ala Leco....jeee, konecne muj kalibrator dorazil....a pak si musime dat horky caj, protoze je doma desna zima..precetla jsem si jeden trik s fotakem tak ho zkousim, ale je to blbost....zima v Australii je nekdy hodne tezka..Rob pracuje na mych webovkach.