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Zdenička si vzala lak na nehty na párty :D A na Hoofbeats hráli dobře, jenže Libčovi bylo celý večer špatně, tak jsem s ním až do konce proseděla a čekala na francouze, abysme v 6 odcházeli na vlak... Konec společné noci nebyl dle očekávání. Ukradli mi celý baťoh se vším uvnitř - hotovost, malovátka, brýle, iphone6... Takže 2 hodiny strávené na policii v Olomouci... Do Ostravy jsme dojeli v 11 ráno, odpoledne lítačky a blokace sim karty... Po internetu Find my Iphone, neúspěch, nikdo ho nezapl za celý den... Na tento večer nikdy nezapomenu tak před Vánocy...
Zdenička brought nail polish to party :D... And Hoofbeats was fine but Libča got sick so I was sitting with him all the night and we were waiting for french friends to leave at 6 am to catch the train... The end of last together night wasn't as I expected. Someone stole me my bag with everything inside - money, make-up, glasses, iPhone6... So 2 hours spent in the police station in Olomouc... We arrived to Ostrava at 11 am, in the afternoon I was running around, I blocked my sim card... Through Internet I tried to Find my iPhone but unsuccessful, no one turned the phone on whole day... I will never forget this night before Christmas...