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A zase ta výborná bábovka :)... V Chropyni byla vážná železniční nehoda. Auto vjelo pod vlak. Soused z baráku. Nejsou tam závory. Ještě pár minut, než sa to stalo, si volal s maminkou, že už jede... Mucinqa mi ukazuje neuvěřitelné akrobatické kousky a sice rozmazaně, ale podařilo sa mi to vyfotit :D... Mucinqa de na víkend na hlídání k Honzovo a Zdenči a já s Libčou jedeme na Bystřičku k vodě a na hudební fesťák Tropical Party :) Užíváme si to!
And again that delicious cake :)... In Chropyně happened serious car accident. The car entered under a train. A neighbor from the house. There are no barriers. Just few mins before the accident happened, he was calling with his mom that he is coming already... Mucinqa is showing me incredible acrobatic moves and maybe blurry but I was fast to take a photo :D... Mucinqa is going to babysitter Honza and Zdenča for a weekend and me with Libča, we are going to Bystřička, water dam and for a music festival Tropical Party :) Enjoying!