La vida en el planeta Tierra vista por sus habitantes

left arrowprevious day next dayright arrow spring - 23. 10. 2010
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22. 10.Viernes


23. 10.Sábado


24. 10.Domingo


25. 10.Lunes


26. 10.Martes


27. 10.Miércoles


28. 10.Jueves

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My mom makes me pies. мама пекла пироги с картошкой

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4/11/2011 2:02:37 PM
It is wonderfull! Nice collours, it has got a spirit.
4/8/2011 2:33:32 PM
Wow,great work. Nice week!
11/5/2010 4:40:37 PM
Realy nice week! I don't like pink colour but your last day is very important! And I like your other pictures :)
11/2/2010 5:53:08 PM
Very nice one week ! looks like taken with old camera, very moody and tasteful;)
11/2/2010 3:46:29 PM
Nice photos, great set.
11/2/2010 12:58:45 PM
Wow, this set is great! Welcome to WoL and we look forward to your next set.
11/2/2010 12:56:54 PM
i'm very glad!)
11/2/2010 11:31:28 AM
Yes, I agree. This is very nice week.
11/2/2010 11:15:06 AM
11/2/2010 10:48:09 AM
That´s a great start! Welcome to the project:o)
11/2/2010 9:39:58 AM
интересные фоты. суббота 7я фотография особенно! молодец))
11/1/2010 5:53:56 AM
А вот и разгрузились!!
11/1/2010 5:53:33 AM
Субботка, обьедалово!!
11/1/2010 5:52:55 AM
Четверг, уже. Но день не последний
11/1/2010 5:51:15 AM
Да, понедельник день филосовский

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