La vida en el planeta Tierra vista por sus habitantes

left arrowprevious day Autumn Arrives - 30. 10. 2010
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24. 10.Domingo


25. 10.Lunes


26. 10.Martes


27. 10.Miércoles


28. 10.Jueves


29. 10.Viernes


30. 10.Sábado

Set of this user includes day descriptions in a different language than the language of the website you are using at the moment.
Warm breakfast & with a sudden rush of colour autumn seems to have fully arrived. Time to snuggle up in the warm away from seasonal chills.

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11/3/2010 1:58:49 AM
Welcome to WOL. Adolf
11/2/2010 5:39:10 PM
Nice set - I am looking forward for other pictures to see new country;)welcome here
11/2/2010 1:17:53 PM
relax with russian vodka?)) kitty is pretty
11/2/2010 12:06:59 PM
You have basically shown us what goes on from London to Bristol :) Welcome to the Week of Life project and we hope that you keep documenting life in your area!
11/2/2010 9:52:32 AM
Welcome to Wol, Christopher:o)
11/2/2010 9:35:38 AM
I fell in love with your cat!))

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left arrowprevious day Autumn Arrives - 30. 10. 2010