La vida en el planeta Tierra vista por sus habitantes

left arrowprevious day Seattle in November - 15. 11. 2009
Share week

9. 11.Lunes


10. 11.Martes


11. 11.Miércoles


12. 11.Jueves


13. 11.Viernes


14. 11.Sábado


15. 11.Domingo

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Monday the 11:11 until Sunday 11:15 A week in Seattle walking about! All shots with a Nikon D3 and the best Nikon lenses!

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9/24/2023 10:11:41 AM
Oceárna jak v Ostravě :-) a v závěru týdne asi koncert skupiny Kiss 🙂
2/7/2013 6:09:26 PM
wau it's interesting week ;-)
5/1/2011 11:13:23 AM
very nice ... Friday is for me, "the Best"
4/6/2011 9:59:01 PM
well done :-)
3/26/2010 4:56:10 PM
thank you for share.
1/29/2010 12:43:29 AM
Nice photos.
1/19/2010 10:35:24 PM
Exciting photos.!!! Petr
11/19/2009 4:39:26 PM
great colours!
11/18/2009 8:23:42 PM
I love the photos in your set. They are colorful and architectural and show off your clear point of view. Nice work!

left arrowprevious day Seattle in November - 15. 11. 2009