La vida en el planeta Tierra vista por sus habitantes

left arrowprevious day roadtrip - 1. 10. 2011
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25. 9.Domingo


26. 9.Lunes


27. 9.Martes


28. 9.Miércoles


29. 9.Jueves


30. 9.Viernes


1. 10.Sábado

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1- I think we had little bit too much last night, but we're going jeeping (2-9) anyway... we were luckier than these guys that made it down to the stream (5), we made it to Telluride, had coffee, saw a storm right behind us (9), and made it dry and safely back to Durango :)

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11/5/2011 10:23:08 PM
dakujem vam za komentare, dalsi tyzden je nahraty :)
11/5/2011 10:23:03 PM
dakujem Vam za komentare, dalsi tyzden je nahraty :)
10/14/2011 1:26:42 PM
Skvelý týždeň :)Nedeľa 7 mi pripomenula moju babičku.Ďakujem
10/13/2011 9:58:17 PM
Prima kouknutí do "exotiky".
10/13/2011 4:37:32 PM
Děkuji za další várku obrázků z velké dálky :-)
10/13/2011 9:29:25 AM
Pěkný mí by se mi líbílo...týden je perfektní...
10/13/2011 9:08:15 AM
Tento týden se mi líbí moc.

left arrowprevious day roadtrip - 1. 10. 2011